Infinite Jump For Roblox 2018

Krnl is one of the most reliable Roblox exploits out there in terms of script performance. Krnl is rarely crashed and is a very stable and steady exploit. This Krnl is also designed by the highly trustworthy Ice Bear, who produced other authentic cheats in the past. Krnl’s support for the complete drawing library, debug library. Link V3: Project Rasp:

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  2. Infinite Jump For Roblox 2018 Code
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Infinite Jump For Roblox 2018 Wiki

May 29th, 2019
Infinite Jump For Roblox 2018
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Infinite Jump For Roblox 2018 Code

Infinite jump for roblox 2018 freeInfinite jump for roblox 2018 code

Infinite Jump


Infinite Jump For Roblox 2018 Download

  1. local UserInputService = game:GetService('UserInputService')
  2. local character
  3. local hasDoubleJumped =false
  4. local oldPowerlocal TIME_BETWEEN_JUMPS =0.1-- Put time limit here
  5. local DOUBLE_JUMP_POWER_MULTIPLIER =1-- Put jump force here it doubl the old jump ex if your old jump is 20 it will double it
  6. function onJumpRequest()
  7. ifnot character ornot humanoid ornot character:IsDescendantOf(workspace)or
  8. humanoid:GetState() Enum.HumanoidStateType.Dead then
  9. end
  10. if canDoubleJump andnot hasDoubleJumped then
  11. humanoid.JumpPower = oldPower * DOUBLE_JUMP_POWER_MULTIPLIER humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping)
  12. end
  13. localfunction characterAdded(newCharacter)
  14. humanoid = newCharacter:WaitForChild('Humanoid')
  15. canDoubleJump =false
  16. humanoid.StateChanged:connect(function(old, new)
  17. canDoubleJump =false
  18. humanoid.JumpPower = oldPower elseif new Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall then
  19. end
  20. end
  21. if localPlayer.Character then
  22. end
  23. localPlayer.CharacterAdded:connect(characterAdded)
  24. UserInputService.JumpRequest:connect(onJumpRequest)

Infinite Jump For Roblox 2018 Promo