Adding Sharepoint List To Outlook


Re: Sharepoint contact list and Outlook 2016. Two things to check. In Outlook, click Address Book and from the drop-down menu, verify that you can see the SP-synced list. Apart from that, on the same dialog click Tools - Options, select Custom, check whether the SP-synced list is shown there and if not, use the Add button to add it, then confirm. Better management of email communication is a key issue for many organizations, a number of vendors have developed add-on software that improves the out-of-the-box integration of Outlook and SharePoint. All of these add-ons let you drag-and-drop in Outlook to save an email message to SharePoint, in most cases with automatic capture of email. The user can find all the ‘component’ calendar lists in the calendars in view section to the left of the overlaid master view in SharePoint. Our solution, so far, is for specific departments. Ultimately, there may be as many as 7 different sub-lists that need to be created. Specifically 'Connect to Outlook' - which can be used to add a shared SharePoint contact list into Outlook, e.g. For an organisation-wide easily accessible address book. AFAIK, the only fix is to switch back to classic view. Note: The Add SharePoint Sites to Project Web App dialog box lists only those sites that you can access in SharePoint. If the list you want to add is on a site you don’t have access to, contact an administrator for that site to request permissions. Email Knowledge Base offers a couple of methods to work with SharePoint items while offline:

Add Sharepoint Contact List To Outlook

  • uses OneDrive for Business sync client to synchronize documents to your computer. This enables viewing and editing documents and viewing document properties while offline.
  • Use Outlook folders to upload emails to SharePoint (even when offline).
  • Use the Connect to Outlook feature to download a SharePoint library to Outlook.

Connect a SharePoint library or folder to Outlook

Adding A Sharepoint List To Outlook adds the SharePoint option Connect to Outlook which synchronizes a SharePoint library or folder and makes its items available offline using Microsoft Outlook.

To enable the feature:

  1. Add the ConnectToOutlookMenu registry key to root key, and set the (default) value data to true.
  2. Restart Outlook.

To learn how to centrally enable this feature to all users, read Provision for Outlook to all users.

To connect a SharePoint location to Outlook:

  1. Right-click the location and select Connect to Outlook Folder.
  2. Outlook prompts you to approve connecting this SharePoint location to Outlook. Click Yes.
  3. Wait while Outlook downloads the SharePoint items to your computer.
    The library and its subfolders appear under a folder called SharePoint Lists. The parent libraries of this location are also shown.


Due to an Outlook limitation, it is not possible to edit and update SharePoint items from Outlook if they reside in a document library that requires check out.

As a workaround:

  1. Check out the document you want to edit.
  2. Open the document from Outlook, and click Edit Offline.
  3. Edit the document, save, and close.
  4. Reopen the document from Outlook, make a small change (undo if the change is not required).
  5. Save and close the file. You will be prompted to check it in.
  6. Check in. The document is updated on the server.