Star Wars Phantom Edit

'The Phantom Edit' How one 'Star Wars' fan nearly fixed the 'Episode 1' disaster, and why George Lucas is indirectly stoking another kind of digital revolution. See full list on

Anyone snagged this yet from alt.binaries.starwars or elsewhere and feel like sharing on eDonkey (or whatever)? Can't wait to check it out.

I also truly hope that somehow “The Phantom Edit” is preserved on DVD for future generations as an improved, though still imperfect version. Get the whole story and read a review of STAR WARS EPISODE 1.2: THE PHANTOM EDIT (East Coast Version), plus check out the feature story, “STAR WARS THE PHANTOM EDIT”: THE FAN’S CUT.

The version that is going around is 2 cds, 566 mb each, MPEG.

If you've been under a rock lately and haven't heard...,1259,---6903,00.html,1259,---6904,00.html

Star Wars The Phantom Edit Watch Online

btw, there are a number of different fan edits of TPE out there, this one is being referred to as the 'LA' (Los Angeles) edit.


Apparently Lucas was going to watch it himself this weekend to see what all the fuss was about View image: /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

Entertainment >Movies >

(on Wikipedia)
(website, archive)

The Trade Federation blockades a peaceful planet, and decisive action is required to bring political and military strength to bear.

An astonishing improvement on the original. Even though it's lower visual quality than it's original can be, it's worth a watch. Very highly recommended especially to fans of the original trilogy who were disappointed by this new trilogy.

  • Properly titled Star Wars Episode I.II: The Phantom Edit
  • This is an edit of Star Wars - Episode I - The Phantom Menace - (1999 movie)
  • Continues with Star Wars II.I - Attack of the Phantom - (2001 movie)

There was a Star Wars Episode I.I - The Phantom Edit (notice the I.I) which was an early VHS-only release with a longer running length. This DVD release removed two additional scenes.

Flag, closeup
  • 12019-12-23

I don't know if this is another source or not, but I'm going to watch this again.

  • 0:00 -- The main DVD menu is fullscreen. :(
  • 0:30 -- The initial music before the title seems wrong.

Star Wars The Phantom Edit Dvd

editor title

Episode I.II

Anticipating the arrival of
the newest Star Wars film,
some fans, like myself, were
extremely disappointed by
the finished product.

So being someone of the
'George Lucas Generation',
I have re-edited a DVD of,
'The Phantom Menace', into
what I believe is a much
stronger film by relieving the
viewer of as much story
redundancy, pointless Anakin
actions and dialogue, and Jar
Jar Binks, as possible.

I created this version to bring
new hope to a large group of
Star Wars fans that felt
unsatisfied by the seemingly
misguided theatrical release
of, 'The Phantom Menace'.

To Mr. Lucas and those that
I may offend with this re-edit,
I am sorry :(


  • 7:00 -- Oh god I always hated the voice of that one masked operator.
  • 12:00 -- How handy that they have breathers.

    • I suppose it's justified, maybe, since they're really small and the planet does have a lot of water.
  • 12:45 -- Their robes don't appear particularly wet any more.
  • 17:00 -- That appears to be a rather visible parking spot..
  • 17:30 -- They're definitely dry now.
  • 22:30 -- This attitude with the droid does continue a theme of treating them with empathy.
  • 23:45 -- Bringing a native of Naboo directly links them back there. It's a piece of information that's too easily gleaned.
  • 26:00 -- So was he born somewhere else?
  • 27:15 -- Why would they believe that guy is telling the truth about nobody else having a hyperdrive?
  • 39:30 -- So he's Jesus. Right.
  • 43:00 -- So the Sith tracked them there, but by tracing what transmission?
  • 47:30 -- I didn't realize there might be a Skywalker emblem on that flag.
  • 50:00 -- Oh my god, on the left is the actor who starred in Willow - (1988 movie)!
  • 53:30 -- What universe you're from? There's only one. That's the 'uni' in universe.
  • 1:00:30 -- This is bad parenting. He's too young to give consent.
  • 1:01:15 -- Would everything they own including the protocol droid and the money from the pod be enough to free her, especially given how poor her owner now is?
  • 1:04:15 -- Did they already repair the ship?
  • 1:04:45 -- Anakin doesn't know about the queen.
  • 1:21:30 -- Why wouldn't they be engaged while in orbit? There were enough ships to shoot at them on the way off of the planet in the first place.
  • 1:28:15 -- Wilhelm scream

    • As it turns out, it's actually by Ben Burtt.
  • 1:30:30 -- Assuming where the chancellor is? They didn't learn ahead of time.
  • 1:33:30 -- I'll just assume the auto-pilot is grouping the ship in a formation with the others.
  • 1:38:00 -- We've established they have cannons in their bays.
  • 1:42:00 -- Why ever was there only one command ship for all their armies? They had many before.
  • 1:54:00 -- I like how it ends with a bandaid symbol.

Commentary ∞

  • 0:30 -- Oh, so this is an improved version of the VHS version. I would have liked to collect the VHS version.
  • 1:00 -- Created with a Macintosh G4[doesn't exist] 400MhZ 128MB RAM and 40GB hard drive.
  • 1:45 --

    • Illustrator for the typesetting
    • After Effects for the scroll
    • Frames per second discussion
  • 4:15 -- Into the scene late, and out of the scene early to keep audience attention.
  • 5:15 -- AC3 (AC-3 algorithm)

    • Oh wow, replacing dialog.
  • 6:00 -- Final Cut Pro 3
  • 6:30 -- Removed the 'roger roger' which was stuck on the VHS
  • 9:45 -- The editor recognizes that this is not a kids movie.
  • 10:30 -- Jar Jar was intentionally left in. Of course he ought to be.
  • 12:00 -- Lucas used to focus on the story first and effects later, but this movie had a lot of stupid moments which were useful only to showcase Jar Jar.
  • 15:00 -- The underwater/core scene was removed because Jar Jar is useless.

    • I would also argue that it was an intuition of the editor's to remove that whole scene because it's just showcasing effects.
  • 16:30 -- Talks about him modifying things to create his own seamless wipes.
  • 19:15 -- I now notice the droid legs balancing around; pointless nonsense.
  • 27:15 -- Adobe Photoshop
  • 34:30 -- The woman titled 'The Surgeon' is also something which Joss Whedon is known for.

  • 38:30 -- Ben-Hur (1959 film)
  • 42:00 -- Wow, the cloned-Jedi idea would have been awesome to pursue.
  • 49:30 --

    • Cathy, who he went to film school with
    • Shawn
    • Tod
    • Tod's wife Jen
    • Aaron
    • Mitch
    • James
  • 50:15 -- I did notice he joins the race very quickly.
  • 51:15 -- I don't see why the sand people would be funny.
  • 54:30 -- Roger Ebert
  • 55:45 -- He made a Commodore VIC-20 game that won a Revenge of the Jedi poster.
  • 56:00 -- Ben Burtt
  • 56:30 --

    • John Hughes (filmmaker) ?
  • 57:30 -- Easter Egg: A film that he made while attending film school, for the Conan O'Brien show which contains him and Elizabeth Nuchico(?)

    • See VTS_17_1.VOB
  • 58:30 -- NSYNC
  • 1:06:15 -- Lucas being the caliber that he is using that necklace in the next movie.. I don't even remember it.
  • 1:39:00 -- Oh, I didn't notice Natalie Portman slipping there.
  • 1:45:30 -- re. match cutting. During the corpse-burning scene, if you hit the enter button on your remote it will take you to a side-by-side comparison of 1:46:00.

    • It's not available in the special features section of this DVD!
    • In VLC it's a hidden spot near the bottom-right.
  • 1:47:15 -- I always thought 'the master' comment leading to the focus of the one guy was way too heavy-handed.
  • 1:49:30 --

    • Memento - (2000 movie)
  • 1:50:45 -- He makes a joke about maybe Apple giving him some recognition over all the press surrounding his edition which mentioned Adobe After Effects and Adobe Final Cut Pro being used on Apple hardware.
  • 1:41:00 --

    • Rebel Without a Crew - (1995 book)
  • 1:54:30 -- People who were blamed for The Phantom Edit, who he apologizes to:

  • 1:54:45 -- Mike J.
  • Ends with a little 'it's over, go home, geeze.'

Other DVD secrets ∞

  • VTS_10_1.VOB -- How wude!
  • VTS_14_1.VOB -- Is that a bit from Memento - (2000 movie) ?
  • VTS_17_1.VOB -- Scene from Mike, on Conan.

    • This was referenced in the commentary at 57:30.
  • VTS_23_1.VOB -- Kevin Smith and other characters from his universe commenting on The Phantom Edit.

  • 4:15 -- Their hats look .. hilarious.
  • 5:15 -- Get confirmation from the droid inside. Don't believe the droid. Wait a half an hour. Confirm they're dead. Roll credits.

    • Perfectly legal.
  • 6:45 -- What force power lets him make his light sabre get.. hotter?
  • 23:15 -- Attract attention? With a ship like that? Yeah, better hope you're landing really far out of town.
  • 25:30 -- 'Let me take that back' doesn't make sense to me..
  • 26:45 -- That's a good idea. Trade in the hot-but-broken ship for a busted-but-working one, and you get to hide better.
  • 27:15 -- Jedi Mind tricks won't work on space Jews.
  • 28:30 -- You have a druid.
  • 37:00 -- Is that the broken ship you were trying to buy parts for?
  • 39:30 -- Rape? It was rape, right?
  • 42:30 -- It's over 9000!
  • 45:30 -- So what's-his-face understands blue guy?
  • 53:30 -- There are other universes?
  • 1:00:45 -- No, the choice is not his alone. He's not a consenting adult. Be a proper parent, the choice is his parent's.
  • 1:14:00 -- So dude has gone against the council befoore?
  • 1:20:00 -- I hope their ship got repaired.
  • 1:21:45 -- So when exiting there was a blockade, but entering is easy now..
  • 1:33:15 -- Why would an auto-pilot take them there?
  • 1:35:45 -- So what exactly is the point of those energy walls?
  • 1:38:30 -- I would have been digging holes to ruin the laser wall projectors.
  • 1:39:30 -- What happened to the shield-projecting Sonic the Hedgehog bots?
^ 1 Unless there's some other faux-Wilhelm scream I missed.