Raft Game

Raft is a survival game where you have to control a group of people who are stranded on a Raft game in the middle of the ocean. The Raft download is made of wood which is slowly decaying, so you have to be careful not to use too much wood or else you will be left with nothing. You have the option to eat fish, birds, and turtles but you will eventually run out of these as well. The only thing you can do is to try to get back to land. A mobile survival game developed by American studio Redbeet Interactive. The game is available for iPhone, iPad and Android devices. Raft free download was released on June 29, 2016.

Raft survival simulator is a game that punishes you severely for making mistakes in strategy. Starvation, thirst, marine predatory beasts and pesky birds - all of those factors will attempt to sink your little vessel of hope. Water sports are fun and risky. If you ever had an experience kayaking down the river rapids or steering a raft on a high speed, you definitely know what we are talking about. And if not, this game will allow you to feel all the incredible range of emotions that seize you when you are taking part in a rafting race! Time for another round of the funny turn-based shooting game. In Raft Wars 2 you have to battle your way through the waterpark area to retrieve your beloved treasure. Select the weapon you want and shoot tennis balls to blast all disturbing opponents into the water. Use upgrades to prepare your raft and ammo for the final fight.


The graphics of Raft are simple but give a good sense of how the world looks like. The game is a small icon in the middle of the screen and the only objects you can see are the people and the water. When you get closer to the water, the water becomes more detailed. Raft game download is a game that takes place on a Raft download floating on a post-apocalyptic ocean. The player's task is to survive on the Raft PC as long as possible. This is a fast-paced game with a lot of small details, like the bird flying on the background, the small waves and the slight rocking of the Raft.


Raft gameplay is simple. You can only do two things: move around and eat fish. If you eat two fish in a row, your health will increase. If you eat three birds in a row, your stamina will increase. You have to be careful not to move too far away from the Raft download free or you will die. The game starts with a few basic items, such as a hull, a mast and a sail. The player starts to explore the ocean for other items and upgrades like life preserver, fishing rod and a paddle. In order to survive, the player has to manage resources, such as food, water, wood and metal. There are also a few more complicated items, such as a solar panel or a diving bell. The player can also find a play Raft in the sea.


The multiplayer of Raft Mac is interesting because you are not the only person on the Raft download PC. There are other stranded people who will come and go on the play Raft free but you are still able to help and talk to them. The game is more enjoyable if you play with friends as you can strategize with each other. Download Raft free can be played with other players.


The replayability of Raft PC download is not that good because once you have played the game, there is nothing left to explore. All of the other free Rafts will be the same and it will be impossible to get off the Raft unblocked.



  • How do I get my Raft to go faster?
    You can get your Raft free play to go faster by holding down the left mouse button and using the arrow keys to steer.
    Please note that the most difficult part of the game is steering, so it is important to be able to steer with your computer mouse, or use a gamepad.

The Raft Game

  • I can't get to the other side of the river. What am I doing wrong?
    You may be steering too much, which will slow down the Raft. Try to keep your steering to a minimum. If you're still not making it, you can try using the arrow keys to steer.

Raft Game Engine

  • I'm having trouble steering my Raft. What do I do?
    You can use the arrow keys to steer your Raft online, free instead of using the mouse.

Raft Gameplay

  • I'm stuck on the shore. How do I get my Raft back in the water?
    You can move it back into the water by using the arrow keys to steer your Raft.
    I'm going too slow. I hit a rock and I'm not going anywhere.
    You may be going too slow. Try to steer itt in the middle of the river.