Microsoft Word Fonts List

Last updated: 2008/06/03

Feb 03, 2010 Styles can contain definitions for fonts, paragraph spacing, line height, hyphenation, tabs, page breaks, indentation, and more! As you can see from the list, styles can become quite complex. But don’t worry, Microsoft Word contains many predefined styles.

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  • This font is the first attempt of Carter to create a more friendly and charming font for public use that could cater both legibility and simplicity combination. Download Georgia. Cambria is design by 3 of the best typeface designers in 20 th century for Microsoft font collection. Jelle Bosma, Steve Matteson and Robin Nicholas come up.
  • Commisioned by Microsoft to work on the web, althought it's often used in print as well. Very common-this page uses Verdana as its body type. Another Microsoft font, Tahoma is extremely similar to Verdana, but has a narrower body, less generous counters, and tighter letter spacing.
  • Thank you for your reply. The font works on Word and other apps. The problem is that Word and other apps consider my Japanese font a different font and display my font with a different name in the font list. They do not recognize the Japanese name of my font and store my font with a different name (mostly English with garbage characters).
  • For a Microsoft Office 2010 version of this article, see Download and install custom fonts to use with Office. When you install a Microsoft Office 2013 product, many fonts are installed on your computer. This article describes the fonts that are added and removed when you install Office 2013. More Information.

Here you can find the list with the standard set of fonts common to all versions of Windows and their Mac substitutes, referred sometimes as 'browser safe fonts'. This is the reference I use when making web pages and I expect you will find it useful too.

If you are new to web design, maybe you are thinking: 'Why I have to limit to that small set of fonts? I have a large collection of nice fonts in my computer'. Well, as seasoned web designers already know, browsers can use only the fonts installed in each computer, so it means that every visitor of your web page needs to have all the fonts you want to use installed in his/her computer. Of course, different people will have different fonts installed, and thus come the need of a standard set of fonts. Fortunately, CSS allows set several values for the font-family property, which eases the task a bit.

If you want to know how the fonts are displayed in other OS's or browsers than yours, after the table you can find several screen shots of this page in different systems and browsers. Also, you can take a look to the list of the default fonts included with each version of Windows.

The list

First, a few introductory notes:

  • The names in grey are the generic family of each font.
  • In some cases the Mac equivalent is the same font, since Mac OS X also includes some of the fonts shipped with Windows.
  • The notes at the bottom contains specific information about some of the fonts.
Windows fonts / Mac fonts / Font family
Normal styleBold style
Arial, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serifArial, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
Arial Black, Arial Black, Gadget, sans-serifArial Black, Arial Black, Gadget, sans-serif
Comic Sans MS, Comic Sans MS5, cursiveComic Sans MS, Comic Sans MS5, cursive
Courier New, Courier New, monospaceCourier New, Courier New, monospace
Georgia1, Georgia, serifGeorgia1, Georgia, serif
Impact, Impact5, Charcoal6, sans-serifImpact, Impact5, Charcoal6, sans-serif
Lucida Console, Monaco5, monospaceLucida Console, Monaco5, monospace
Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, sans-serifLucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, sans-serif
Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua3, Palatino, serifPalatino Linotype, Book Antiqua3, Palatino, serif
Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serifTahoma, Geneva, sans-serif
Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times, serifTimes New Roman, Times New Roman, Times, serif
Trebuchet MS1, Trebuchet MS, sans-serifTrebuchet MS1, Trebuchet MS, sans-serif
Verdana, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serifVerdana, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif
Symbol, Symbol(Symbol2, Symbol2)Symbol, Symbol(Symbol2, Symbol2)
Webdings, Webdings(Webdings2, Webdings2)Webdings, Webdings(Webdings2, Webdings2)
Wingdings, Zapf Dingbats(Wingdings2, Zapf Dingbats2)Wingdings, Zapf Dingbats(Wingdings2, Zapf Dingbats2)
MS Sans Serif4, Geneva, sans-serifMS Sans Serif4, Geneva, sans-serif
MS Serif4, New York6, serifMS Serif4, New York6, serif

1 Georgia and Trebuchet MS are bundled with Windows 2000/XP and they are also included in the IE font pack (and bundled with other MS applications), so they are quite common in Windows 98 systems.

2 Symbolic fonts are only displayed in Internet Explorer, in other browsers a font substitute is used instead (although the Symbol font does work in Opera and the Webdings works in Safari).

3 Book Antiqua is almost exactly the same font that Palatino Linotype, Palatino Linotype is included in Windows 2000/XP while Book Antiqua was bundled with Windows 98.

4 These fonts are not TrueType fonts but bitmap fonts, so they won't look well when using some font sizes (they are designed for 8, 10, 12, 14, 18 and 24 point sizes at 96 DPI).

5 These fonts work in Safari but only when using the normal font style, and not with bold or italic styles. Comic Sans MS works in bold but not in italic. Other Mac browsers seems to emulate properly the styles not provided by the font (thanks to Christian Fecteau for the tip).

6 These fonts are present in Mac OS X only if Classic is installed (thanks to Julian Gonggrijp for the corrections).

How the fonts look in different systems and browsers

  • Mac OS X 10.4.8, Firefox 2.0, font smoothing enabled (thanks to Juris Vecvanags for the screen shot)
  • Mac OS X 10.4.4, Firefox 1.5, font smoothing enabled (thanks to Eric Zavesky for the screen shot)
  • Mac OS X 10.4.11, Safari 3.0.4, font smoothing enabled (thanks to Nolan Gladius for the screen shot)
  • Mac OS X 10.4.4, Safari 2.0.3, font smoothing enabled (thanks to Eric Zavesky for the screen shot)
  • Windows Vista, Internet Explorer 7, ClearType enabled (thanks to Michiel Bijl for the screen shot)
  • Windows Vista, Firefox 2.0, ClearType enabled (thanks to Michiel Bijl for the screen shot)
  • Linux (Ubuntu 7.04 + Gnome), Firefox 2.0 (thanks to Juris Vecvanags for the screen shot)

Note that while the ClearType smoothing is applied always, the basic font smoothing of Windows 98/2000/XP is applied only to certain font sizes. That sizes can be specified by the font designer, but usually they are in the ranges of 0-6 and 14+ points (pt).

The Mac font list was obtained from the Browser Safe Fonts PDF of webbedEnvironments and from the List of fonts in Mac OS X of the Wikipedia.

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An important development in Windows 10 is the Universal Windows Platform (UWP): a converged app platform allowing a developer to create a single app that can run on all Windows devices. Windows fonts are one aspect of this convergence: Windows 10 introduces a recommended UWP font set that is common across all editions that support UWP, including Desktop, Server, and Xbox.

A number of additional fonts are available for Desktop and Server, including all other fonts from previous releases. However, not all of these are pre-installed by default in all images. In order to make disk usage and font choices more relevant to users according to the languages that they use, a number of fonts have been moved into optional, on-demand packages. These packages are designed around the different scripts that fonts are primarily intended to support, and most are installed automatically by Windows Update when the associated languages are enabled in language settings (for example, by enabling a keyboard). Any of these Feature On Demand (FOD) packages can also be installed manually via Settings. To add font packages manually, select the Start button, and then select Settings > Apps > Apps & features > Manage optional features.


The following is a list of desktop font sets that are present in the most updated version (2004, May 2020 release) of Windows 10.

Below you will also find list of fonts in each of the Feature On Demand (FOD) packages.

Please note: Not all of the Desktop fonts will be in non-desktop editions of Windows 10 such as Xbox, HoloLens, Surface Hub, etc.

FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion
Arial ItalicAriali.ttf7.00
Arial BoldArialbd.ttf7.00
Arial Bold ItalicArialbi.ttf7.00
Arial BlackArial BlackAriblk.ttf5.23
BahnschriftBahnschrift *Bahnschrift.ttf2.06
CalibriCalibri LightCalibril.ttf6.23
Calibri Light ItalicCalibrili.ttf6.23
Calibri ItalicCalibrii.ttf6.23
Calibri BoldCalibrib.ttf6.23
Calibri Bold ItalicCalibriz.ttf6.23
Cambria ItalicCambriai.ttf6.98
Cambria BoldCambriab.ttf6.98
Cambria Bold ItalicCambriaz.ttf6.98
Cambria MathCambria MathCambria.ttc6.99
CandaraCandara Light *Candaral.ttf5.63
Candara Light Italic *Candarali.ttf5.63
Candara ItalicCandarai.ttf5.62
Candara BoldCandarab.ttf5.62
Candara Bold ItalicCandaraz.ttf5.62
Comic Sans MSComic Sans MSComic.ttf5.14
Comic Sans MS ItalicComici.ttf5.14
Comic Sans MS BoldComicbd.ttf5.14
Comic Sans MS Bold ItalicComicz.ttf5.14
Consolas ItalicConsolai.ttf7.00
Consolas BoldConsolab.ttf7.00
Consolas Bold ItalicConsolaz.ttf7.00
Constantia ItalicConstani.ttf5.93
Constantia BoldConstanb.ttf5.93
Constantia Bold ItalicConstanz.ttf5.93
CorbelCorbel Light *Corbell.ttf6.01
Corbel Light Italic *Corbelli.ttf6.01
Corbel ItalicCorbeli.ttf6.01
Corbel BoldCorbelb.ttf6.01
Corbel Bold ItalicCorbelz.ttf6.01
Courier NewCourier NewCour.ttf6.92
Courier New ItalicCouri.ttf6.91
Courier New BoldCourbd.ttf6.92
Courier New Bold ItalicCourbi.ttf6.91
Ebrima BoldEbrimabd.ttf5.14
Franklin Gothic MediumFranklin Gothic MediumFramd.ttf5.02
Franklin Gothic Medium ItalicFramdit.ttf5.01
Gadugi BoldGadugib.ttf1.12
Georgia ItalicGeorgiai.ttf5.59
Georgia BoldGeorgiab.ttf5.59
Georgia Bold ItalicGeorgiaz.ttf5.59
HoloLens MDL2 AssetsHoloLens MDL2 Assets *Holomdl2.ttf2.02
Ink FreeInk Free *Inkfree.ttf1.00
Javanese TextJavanese TextJavatext.ttf1.10
Leelawadee UILeelawadee UILeelawui.ttf5.05
Leelawadee UI SemilightLeeluisl.ttf5.05
Leelawadee UI BoldLeelauib.ttf5.05
Lucida ConsoleLucida ConsoleLucon.ttf5.01
Lucida Sans UnicodeLucida Sans UnicodeL_10646.ttf5.01
Malgun GothicMalgun GothicMalgun.ttf6.68
Malgun Gothic BoldMalgunbd.ttf6.68
Malgun Gothic Semilight *Malgunsl.ttf6.68
Microsoft HimalayaMicrosoft HimalayaHimalaya.ttf5.23
Microsoft JhengHeiMicrosoft JhengHei LightMsjhl.ttc6.14
Microsoft JhengHeiMsjh.ttc6.14
Microsoft JhengHei BoldMSJHBD.ttc6.13
Microsoft JhengHei UI LightMsjhl.ttc6.14
Microsoft JhengHei UIMsjh.ttc6.14
Microsoft JhengHei UI BoldMSJHBD.ttc6.13
Microsoft New Tai LueMicrosoft New Tai LueNtailu.ttf5.99
Microsoft New Tai Lue BoldNtailub.ttf5.99
Microsoft PhagsPaMicrosoft PhagsPaPhagspa.ttf6.00
Microsoft PhagsPa BoldPhagsPaB.ttf6.00
Microsoft Sans SerifMicrosoft Sans SerifMicross.ttf7.00
Microsoft Tai LeMicrosoft Tai LeTaile.ttf6.00
Microsoft Tai Le BoldTaiLeb.ttf6.00
Microsoft YaHeiMicrosoft YaHei LightMsyhl.ttc6.23
Microsoft YaHeiMsyh.ttc6.25
Microsoft YaHei BoldMsyhbd.ttc6.25
Microsoft YaHei UI LightMsyhl.ttc6.23
Microsoft YaHei UIMsyh.ttc6.25
Microsoft YaHei UI BoldMsyhbd.ttc6.25
Microsoft Yi BaitiMicrosoft Yi BaitiMsyi.ttf6.00
Mongolian BaitiMongolian BaitiMonbaiti.ttf5.53
MS GothicMS GothicMsgothic.ttc5.32
MS PGothicMsgothic.ttc5.32
MS UI GothicMsgothic.ttc5.32
MV BoliMV BoliMvboli.ttf6.84
Myanmar TextMyanmar TextMmrtext.ttf1.18
Myanmar Text BoldMmrtextb.ttf1.18
Nirmala UINirmala UI SemilightNirmalas.ttf1.40
Nirmala UINirmala.ttf1.40
Nirmala UI BoldNirmalab.ttf1.40
Palatino LinotypePalatino LinotypePala.ttf5.03
Palatino Linotype ItalicPalai.ttf5.03
Palatino Linotype BoldPalab.ttf5.03
Palatino Linotype Bold ItalicPalabi.ttf5.03
Segoe MDL2 AssetsSegoe MDL2 Assets *Segmdl2.ttf1.82
Segoe PrintSegoe PrintSegoepr.ttf5.04
Segoe Print BoldSegoeprb.ttf5.04
Segoe ScriptSegoe ScriptSegoesc.ttf5.02
Segoe Script BoldSegoescb.ttf5.02
Segoe UISegoe UI LightSegoeuil.ttf5.62
Segoe UI Light ItalicSeguili.ttf5.32
Segoe UI SemilightSegoeuisl.ttf5.62
Segoe UI Semilight ItalicSeguisli.ttf5.32
Segoe UISegoeui.ttf5.62
Segoe UI ItalicSegoeuii.ttf5.32
Segoe UI SemiboldSeguisb.ttf5.62
Segoe UI Semibold ItalicSeguisbi.ttf5.32
Segoe UI BoldSegoeuib.ttf5.62
Segoe UI Bold ItalicSegoeuiz.ttf5.32
Segoe UI BlackSeguibl.ttf2.02
Segoe UI Black ItalicSeguibli.ttf2.02
Segoe UI HistoricSegoe UI Historic *Seguihis.ttf1.03
Segoe UI EmojiSegoe UI EmojiSeguiemj.ttf1.29
Segoe UI SymbolSegoe UI SymbolSeguisym.ttf6.23
SitkaSitka SmallSitka.ttc1.12
Sitka Small ItalicSitkaI.ttc1.12
Sitka Small BoldSitkaB.ttc1.12
Sitka Small Bold ItalicSitkaZ.ttc1.12
Sitka TextSitka.ttc1.12
Sitka Text ItalicSitkaI.ttc1.12
Sitka Text BoldSitkaB.ttc1.12
Sitka Text Bold ItalicSitkaZ.ttc1.12
Sitka SubheadingSitka.ttc1.12
Sitka Subheading ItalicSitkaI.ttc1.12
Sitka Subheading BoldSitkaB.ttc1.12
Sitka Subheading Bold ItalicSitkaZ.ttc1.12
Sitka HeadingSitka.ttc1.12
Sitka Heading ItalicSitkaI.ttc1.12
Sitka Heading BoldSitkaB.ttc1.12
Sitka Heading Bold ItalicSitkaZ.ttc1.12
Sitka DisplaySitka.ttc1.12
Sitka Display ItalicSitkaI.ttc1.12
Sitka Display BoldSitkaB.ttc1.12
Sitka Display Bold ItalicSitkaZ.ttc1.12
Sitka BannerSitka.ttc1.12
Sitka Banner ItalicSitkaI.ttc1.12
Sitka Banner BoldSitkaB.ttc1.12
Sitka Banner Bold ItalicSitkaZ.ttc1.12
Tahoma BoldTahomabd.ttf7.00
Times New RomanTimes New RomanTimes.ttf7.01
Times New Roman ItalicTimesi.ttf7.01
Times New Roman BoldTimesbd.ttf7.01
Times New Roman Bold ItalicTimesbi.ttf7.01
Trebuchet MSTrebuchet MSTrebuc.ttf5.15
Trebuchet MS ItalicTrebucit.ttf5.15
Trebuchet MS BoldTrebucbd.ttf5.15
Trebuchet MS Bold ItalicTrebucbi.ttf5.15
Verdana ItalicVerdanai.ttf5.33
Verdana BoldVerdanab.ttf5.33
Verdana Bold ItalicVerdanaz.ttf5.33
Yu GothicYu Gothic LightYuGothL.ttc1.90
Yu Gothic RegularYuGothR.ttc1.90
Yu Gothic Medium *Yugothm.ttc1.90
Yu Gothic BoldYuGothB.ttc1.90
Yu Gothic UI Light *YuGothL.ttc1.90
Yu Gothic UI Semilight *YuGothR.ttc1.90
Yu Gothic UI Regular *Yugothm.ttc1.90
Yu Gothic UI Semibold *YuGothB.ttc1.90
Yu Gothic UI Bold *YuGothB.ttc1.90

Fonts included in Feature On Demand (FOD) packages

Here's a comprehensive listing of which font families are included with each of the optional font features. Some font families may include multiple fonts for different weights and styles.

Arabic Script Supplemental Fonts

Languages using Arabic script; e.g., Arabic, Persian, Urdu.

FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion
Arabic TypesettingArabic TypesettingArabtype.ttf6.84
Microsoft UighurMicrosoft UighurMsuighur.ttf7.00
Microsoft Uighur BoldMSUighub.ttf7.00
Sakkal MajallaSakkal MajallaMajalla.ttf6.86
Sakkal Majalla BoldMajallab.ttf6.86
Simplified ArabicSimplified ArabicSimpo.ttf6.98
Simplified Arabic BoldSimpbdo.ttf6.98
Simplified Arabic FixedSimpfxo.ttf6.84
Traditional ArabicTraditional ArabicTrado.ttf6.84
Traditional Arabic BoldTradbdo.ttf6.84
Urdu TypesettingUrdu TypesettingUrdType.ttf6.86
Urdu Typesetting BoldUrdTypeb.ttf6.86

Bangla Script Supplemental Fonts

Languages using Bangla script; e.g., Assamese, Bangla.

FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion
Shonar BanglaShonar BanglaShonar.ttf6.90
Shonar Bangla BoldShonarb.ttf6.90
Vrinda BoldVrindab.ttf6.90

Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Supplemental Fonts

Languages using Canadian Syllabics script; e.g., Inuktitut.

FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion

Cherokee Supplemental Fonts


FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion
Plantagenet CherokeePlantagenet CherokeePlantc.ttf5.09

Devanagari Supplemental Fonts

Language using Devanagari script; e.g., Hindi, Konkani, Marathi.

FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion
Aparajita ItalicAparaji.ttf6.90
Aparajita BoldAparajb.ttf6.90
Aparajita Bold ItalicAparajbi.ttf6.90
Kokila ItalicKokilai.ttf6.90
Kokila BoldKokilab.ttf6.90
Kokila Bold ItalicKokilabi.ttf6.90
Mangal BoldMangalB.ttf6.90
Sanskrit TextSanskrit Text *Sanskr.ttf1.01
Utsaah ItalicUtsaahi.ttf6.90
Utsaah BoldUtsaahb.ttf6.90
Utsaah Bold ItalicUtsaahbi.ttf6.90

Ethiopic Supplemental Fonts

Languages using Ethiopic script; e.g., Amharic, Tigrinya.

FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion

Gujarati Supplemental Fonts

Gujarati; any other language using Gujurati script.

FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion
Shruti BoldShrutib.ttf6.90

Gurmukhi Supplemental Fonts

Panjabi; any other language using Gurmukhi script

FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion
Raavi BoldRaavib.ttf6.91

Chinese (Simplified) Supplemental Fonts

Simplified Chinese

Microsoft word script fonts list
FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion
DengXianDengXian Light *Dengl.ttf1.17
DengXian *Deng.ttf1.17
DengXian Bold *Dengb.ttf1.17

Chinese (Traditional) Supplemental Fonts

Traditional Chinese

FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion

Hebrew Supplemental Fonts


FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion
Aharoni BoldAharoni BoldAhronbd.ttf6.01
David BoldDavidbd.ttf6.01
Gisha BoldGishabd.ttf6.01
Levenim MTLevenim MTLvnm.ttf6.01
Levenim MT BoldLvnmbd.ttf6.01
Miriam FixedMriamc.ttf6.01

Japanese Supplemental Fonts


FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion
BIZ UDGothicBIZ UDGothic *BIZ-UDGothicR.ttc2.00
BIZ UDGothic Bold *BIZ-UDGothicB.ttc2.00
BIZ UDPGothic *BIZ-UDGothicR.ttc2.00
BIZ UDPGothic Bold *BIZ-UDGothicB.ttc2.00
BIZ UDMincho MediumBIZ UDMincho Medium *BIZ-UDMinchoM.ttc2.01
BIZ UDPMincho Medium *BIZ-UDMinchoM.ttc2.01
Meiryo ItalicMeiryo.ttc6.50
Meiryo BoldMeiryob.ttc6.50
Meiryo Bold ItalicMeiryob.ttc6.50
Meiryo UIMeiryo.ttc6.50
Meiryo UI ItalicMeiryo.ttc6.50
Meiryo UI BoldMeiryob.ttc6.50
Meiryo UI Bold ItalicMeiryob.ttc6.50
MS MinchoMS MinchoMsmincho.ttc5.31
MS PMinchoMsmincho.ttc5.31
UD Digi KyokashoUD Digi Kyokasho N-B *UDDigiKyokashoN-B.ttc2.00
UD Digi Kyokasho NK-B *UDDigiKyokashoN-B.ttc2.00
UD Digi Kyokasho NK-R *UDDigiKyokashoN-R.ttc2.00
UD Digi Kyokasho NP-B *UDDigiKyokashoN-B.ttc2.00
UD Digi Kyokasho NP-R *UDDigiKyokashoN-R.ttc2.00
UD Digi Kyokasho N-R *UDDigiKyokashoN-R.ttc2.00
Yu MinchoYu Mincho LightYuminl.ttf1.90
Yu Mincho RegularYumin.ttf1.90
Yu Mincho DemiboldYumindb.ttf1.90

Kannada Supplemental Fonts

Kannada; any other language using Kannada script.

FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion
Tunga BoldTungab.ttf6.90

Khmer Supplemental Fonts

Cambodian; any other language using Khmer script.

FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion
Khmer UIKhmer UIKhmerUI.ttf5.05
Khmer UI BoldKhmerUIB.ttf5.05

Microsoft Word Fonts List For Mac

Korean Supplemental Fonts


FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion

Lao Supplemental Fonts

Lao; any other language using Lao script.

FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion
Lao UILao UILaoui.ttf5.06
Lao UI BoldLaouib.ttf5.06

Malayalam Supplemental Fonts

Malayalam; any other language using Malayalam script.

FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion
Kartika BoldKartikab.ttf6.90

Odia Supplemental Fonts

Odia; any other language using Odia script.

FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion
Kalinga BoldKalingab.ttf6.90

* Pan-European Supplemental Fonts

Microsoft Word Fonts List Download

No automatic language associations.

FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion
Arial NovaArial Nova LightArialNova-Light.ttf1.05
Arial Nova Light ItalicArialNova-LightItalic.ttf1.05
Arial NovaArialNova.ttf1.05
Arial Nova ItalicArialNova-Italic.ttf1.05
Arial Nova BoldArialNova-Bold.ttf1.05
Arial Nova Bold ItalicArialNova-BoldItalic.ttf1.05
Arial Nova Cond LightArialNovaCond-Light.ttf1.05
Arial Nova Cond Light ItalicArialNovaCond-LightItalic.ttf1.05
Arial Nova CondArialNovaCond.ttf1.05
Arial Nova Cond ItalicArialNovaCond-Italic.ttf1.05
Arial Nova Cond BoldArialNovaCond-Bold.ttf1.05
Arial Nova Cond Bold ItalicArialNovaCond-BoldItalic.ttf1.05
Georgia ProGeorgia Pro LightGeorgiaPro-Light.ttf6.14
Georgia Pro Light ItalicGeorgiaPro-LightItalic.ttf6.14
Georgia ProGeorgiaPro-Regular.ttf6.14
Georgia Pro ItalicGeorgiaPro-Italic.ttf6.14
Georgia Pro SemiboldGeorgiaPro-SemiBold.ttf6.14
Georgia Pro Semibold ItalicGeorgiaPro-SemiBoldItalic.ttf6.14
Georgia Pro BoldGeorgiaPro-Bold.ttf6.14
Georgia Pro Bold ItalicGeorgiaPro-BoldItalic.ttf6.14
Georgia Pro BlackGeorgiaPro-Black.ttf6.14
Georgia Pro Black ItalicGeorgiaPro-BlackItalic.ttf6.14
Georgia Pro Cond LightGeorgiaPro-CondLight.ttf6.14
Georgia Pro Cond Light ItalicGeorgiaPro-CondLightItalic.ttf6.14
Georgia Pro CondGeorgiaPro-CondRegular.ttf6.14
Georgia Pro Cond ItalicGeorgiaPro-CondItalic.ttf6.14
Georgia Pro Cond SemiboldGeorgiaPro-CondSemiBold.ttf6.14
Georgia Pro Cond Semibold ItalicGeorgiaPro-CondSemiBoldItalic.ttf6.14
Georgia Pro Cond BoldGeorgiaPro-CondBold.ttf6.14
Georgia Pro Cond Bold ItalicGeorgiaPro-CondBoldItalic.ttf6.14
Georgia Pro Cond BlackGeorgiaPro-CondBlack.ttf6.14
Georgia Pro Cond Black ItalicGeorgiaPro-CondBlackItalic.ttf6.14
Gill Sans NovaGill Sans Nova LightGillSansLightNova.ttf1.02
Gill Sans Nova Light ItalicGillSansLightItNova.ttf1.02
Gill Sans NovaGillSansNova.ttf1.02
Gill Sans Nova ItalicGillSansItNova.ttf1.02
Gill Sans Nova BoldGillSansBoNova.ttf1.02
Gill Sans Nova Bold ItalicGillSansBoItNova.ttf1.02
Gill Sans Nova Ultra BoldGillSansUltraBoNova.ttf1.02
Gill Sans Nova Cond LtGillSansCondLightNova.ttf1.02
Gill Sans Nova Cond Lt ItalicGillSansCondLightItNova.ttf1.02
Gill Sans Nova CondGillSansCondNova.ttf1.02
Gill Sans Nova Cond ItalicGillSansCondItNova.ttf1.02
Gill Sans Nova Cond BoldGillSansCondBoNova.ttf1.02
Gill Sans Nova Cond Bold ItalicGillSansCondBoItNova.ttf1.02
Gill Sans Nova Cond XBdGillSansCondExtraNova.ttf1.02
Gill Sans Nova Cond XBd ItalicGillSansCondExtraItNova.ttf1.02
Gill Sans Nova Cond Ultra BoldGillSansCondUltraBoNova.ttf1.02
Neue Haas Grotesk Text ProNeue Haas Grotesk Text ProNHaasGroteskTXPro-55Rg.ttf1.05
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro ItalicNHaasGroteskTXPro-56It.ttf1.05
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro MediumNHaasGroteskTXPro-65Md.ttf1.05
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro Medium ItalicNHaasGroteskTXPro-66MdIt.ttf1.05
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro BoldNHaasGroteskTXPro-75Bd.ttf1.05
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro Bold ItalicNHaasGroteskTXPro-76BdIt.ttf1.05
Rockwell NovaRockwell NovaRockwellNova.ttf1.02
Rockwell Nova BoldRockwellNova-Bold.ttf1.02
Rockwell Nova Bold ItalicRockwellNova-BoldItalic.ttf1.02
Rockwell Nova CondRockwellNovaCond.ttf1.02
Rockwell Nova Cond BoldRockwellNovaCond-Bold.ttf1.02
Rockwell Nova Cond Bold ItalicRockwellNovaCond-BoldItalic.ttf1.02
Rockwell Nova Cond ItalicRockwellNovaCond-Italic.ttf1.02
Rockwell Nova Cond LightRockwellNovaCond-Light.ttf1.02
Rockwell Nova Cond Light ItalicRockwellNovaCond-LightItalic.ttf1.02
Rockwell Nova Extra BoldRockwellNova-ExtraBold.ttf1.02
Rockwell Nova Extra Bold ItalicRockwellNova-ExtraBoldItalic.ttf1.02
Rockwell Nova ItalicRockwellNova-Italic.ttf1.02
Rockwell Nova LightRockwellNova-Light.ttf1.02
Rockwell Nova Light ItalicRockwellNova-LightItalic.ttf1.02
Verdana ProVerdana Pro LightVerdanaPro-Light.ttf6.13
Verdana Pro Light ItalicVerdanaPro-LightItalic.ttf6.13
Verdana ProVerdanaPro-Regular.ttf6.13
Verdana Pro ItalicVerdanaPro-Italic.ttf6.13
Verdana Pro SemiBoldVerdanaPro-SemiBold.ttf6.13
Verdana Pro SemiBold ItalicVerdanaPro-SemiBoldItalic.ttf6.13
Verdana Pro BoldVerdanaPro-Bold.ttf6.13
Verdana Pro Bold ItalicVerdanaPro-BoldItalic.ttf6.13
Verdana Pro BlackVerdanaPro-Black.ttf6.13
Verdana Pro Black ItalicVerdanaPro-BlackItalic.ttf6.13
Verdana Pro Cond LightVerdanaPro-CondLight.ttf6.13
Verdana Pro Cond Light ItalicVerdanaPro-CondLightItalic.ttf6.13
Verdana Pro CondVerdanaPro-CondRegular.ttf6.13
Verdana Pro Cond ItalicVerdanaPro-CondItalic.ttf6.13
Verdana Pro Cond SemiBoldVerdanaPro-CondSemiBold.ttf6.13
Verdana Pro Cond SemiBold ItalicVerdanaPro-CondSemiBoldItalic.ttf6.13
Verdana Pro Cond BoldVerdanaPro-CondBold.ttf6.13
Verdana Pro Cond Bold ItalicVerdanaPro-CondBoldItalic.ttf6.13
Verdana Pro Cond BlackVerdanaPro-CondBlack.ttf6.13
Verdana Pro Cond Black ItalicVerdanaPro-CondBlackItalic.ttf6.13

Sinhala Supplemental Fonts

Sinhala; any other language using Sinhala script.

FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion
Iskoola PotaIskoola PotaIskpota.ttf6.96
Iskoola Pota BoldIskpotab.ttf6.96

Syriac Supplemental Fonts

Languages using Syriac script.

FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion
Estrangelo EdessaEstrangelo EdessaEstre.ttf6.84

Tamil Supplemental Fonts

Tamil; any other language using Tamil script.

FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion
Latha BoldLathab.ttf6.90
Vijaya BoldVijayab.ttf6.90

Telugu Supplemental Fonts

Microsoft Word Fonts List

Telugu; any other language using Telugu script.

FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion
Gautami BoldGautamib.ttf6.90
Vani BoldVanib.ttf6.90

Thai Supplemental Fonts

Thai; any other language using Thai script.

Microsoft Word Fonts Examples

FamilyFont NameFile NameVersion
Angsana NewAngsana NewAngsana.ttc5.05
Angsana New ItalicAngsana.ttc5.05
Angsana New BoldAngsana.ttc5.05
Angsana New Bold ItalicAngsana.ttc5.05
AngsanaUPC ItalicAngsana.ttc5.05
AngsanaUPC BoldAngsana.ttc5.05
AngsanaUPC Bold ItalicAngsana.ttc5.05
Browallia NewBrowallia NewBrowalia.ttc5.05
Browallia New ItalicBrowalia.ttc5.05
Browallia New BoldBrowalia.ttc5.05
Browallia New Bold ItalicBrowalia.ttc5.05
BrowalliaUPC ItalicBrowalia.ttc5.05
BrowalliaUPC BoldBrowalia.ttc5.05
BrowalliaUPC Bold ItalicBrowalia.ttc5.05
Cordia NewCordia NewCordia.ttc5.06
Cordia New ItalicCordia.ttc5.06
Cordia New BoldCordia.ttc5.06
Cordia New Bold ItalicCordia.ttc5.06
CordiaUPC ItalicCordia.ttc5.06
CordiaUPC BoldCordia.ttc5.06
CordiaUPC Bold ItalicCordia.ttc5.06
DilleniaUPC ItalicUpcdi.ttf5.05
DilleniaUPC BoldUpcdb.ttf5.05
DilleniaUPC Bold ItalicUpcdbi.ttf5.05
EucrosiaUPC ItalicUpcei.ttf5.05
EucrosiaUPC BoldUpceb.ttf5.05
EucrosiaUPC Bold ItalicUpcebi.ttf5.05
FreesiaUPC ItalicUpcfi.ttf5.05
FreesiaUPC BoldUpcfb.ttf5.05
FreesiaUPC Bold ItalicUpcfbi.ttf5.05
IrisUPC ItalicUpcii.ttf5.05
IrisUPC BoldUpcib.ttf5.05
IrisUPC Bold ItalicUpcibi.ttf5.05
JasmineUPC ItalicUpcji.ttf5.05
JasmineUPC BoldUpcjb.ttf5.05
JasmineUPC Bold ItalicUpcjbi.ttf5.05
KodchiangUPC ItalicUpcki.ttf5.05
KodchiangUPC BoldUpckb.ttf5.05
KodchiangUPC Bold ItalicUpckbi.ttf5.05
Leelawadee BoldLeelawdb.ttf5.06
LilyUPC ItalicUpcli.ttf5.05
LilyUPC BoldUpclb.ttf5.05
LilyUPC Bold ItalicUpclbi.ttf5.05

* Added in Windows 10.

Microsoft Word Fonts List

See Also

Cloud fonts in Office