Mexican Train Dominoes Game

The Mexican Train starts at anytime with the first tile played by any player who so chooses to play a domino from his “extras”. The Mexican Train must be a domino that has one end that is the same denomination as the engine in the center. The Mexican Train is begun and is played in an area out-of-the-way from the center playing area.

  1. Mexican Train Dominoes Game Set
  2. Mexican Train Dominoes Game For Sale
  3. Mexican Train Dominoes Game Apps

Mexican Train is a fairly recently developed variation of Dominoes train type games that has become extremely popular. Because of its simplicity and interaction, it can be played by nearly anyone, anywhere. Depending on the type of game you play, it can last from a single, 20-minute game to a 12 round game lasting hours. Although Mexican Train can be played with a standard set of Dominoes. 3) You can also start or play on the Mexican Train. It must start with a twelve (EX: for round 1) You play one domino to start it. From then on it is open season on the Mexican train, anyone can play on it at any time. Only one Mexican train is allowed per game, but it can be started at any time. Playing A Double Domino. ‎Welcome to the best and most popular version of Mexican Train Dominoes, with over a million happy players. Our classic domino board game looks beautiful and is an utter delight to play. Learn the game’s strategy by playing a range of difficulty levels that provide a good game for both new and experi.



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Mexican Train Dominoes Game Set


Mexican Train Domino Strategy

Gmail account creator 3 0. Train is meant to be fun and train trash talking is part of the game.

  • Set up your beginning hand trying to maximize unloading the most tiles.
  • Set up the tiles end to end. It’s easiest to see with a tile rack.
  • In building your personal train, consider that it might be best to build a train with fewer tiles but with more points, especially toward the front of the train. If you play, you must immediately answer a double, there is a greater chance you might have to break up your train to satisfy a double. If you have high pip tiles at the back of the train in your hand, you might then have a harder time playing those remaining tiles.
  • Arrange the tiles in your hand in such a way that other players cannot easily tell the how many tiles you have in your train. Use fake breaks to let them think it’s not continuous.
  • Use the Mexican Train and other eligible trains to unload high-point tiles. While you might be inclined to make it a priority to rid your hand of all extras (including low-point tiles) early in the round, optimistically assuming your train is a sure play, consider that you could be forced to break it up to satisfy a double. This could leave you with high point tiles that are not a sure play!
  • When you have a choice of plays, consider what possible advantage or disadvantage your play will have for other players, especially those who are leading in the scoring. For example, if you play a double and are able to either satisfy it or play a non-double on another eligible train, consider which play will likely be most favorable for you.
  • Since playing a double from any location in your personal train does not break up the train, be open to playing it at any time it is playable.
  • Monitor how close the other players might be to ending the round, and adjust your strategy if needed, e.g., if you can play a double and leave it unsatisfied, they might be forced to draw and put their markers on their trains.
  • Open doubles must be satisfied in the order they were played. If you are going to play two or more doubles during your turn and you want to satisfy one of them to end your turn, play that double first.
  • If you are obligated to satisfy a double and you suspect that all 13 tiles of the needed denomination have already been played, count before you draw, lest you unnecessarily acquire an extra tile.
  • Although it's fun ending a round with your last tile, remember: The low total score wins the game. Too much risk in trying to end rounds can defeat you in the end. IF you are holding low tiles and you don’t go out, it doesn’t matter.
  • A good bluff on your part might lead another player to make a poor choice in play. Train is a lot like poker, keep them guessing or you can always complain even when you have a good hand.

Mexican Train Dominoes Game For Sale

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Hey everyone! Guest blogger ‘D’ here with suggestions and ideas on board games for older people. That’s right, I said it, “older people.” We like to play a good game as much as the younger ones. I’m here to go over some of my favorite tabletop games for older people with the first one being, 12-Sided Mexican Train Dominoes!

Before we get into the game, here is a little bit of a back story. I’ve played many games with my kids throughout the years. Everyone remembers Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders and Go Fish. These were fun for a while, but I have to admit that I was not disappointed when we graduated to board games like Sorry, Clue and The Game of Life. These board games were a bit more challenging for the tots and a lot more fun for us parents!

It was after this stage that I kind of stopped playing games with my children. They were in their late teens and the go to games were more in the line of Pictionary, Scattergories and Monopoly, which I have to admit, while fun for some, these were not my favorite games as an older board gamer.

This is when playing games with the kids became less and less. This was also when they started their famous ‘game nights.’ These game nights were always hosted at our house, which didn’t bother me at all since it got me out of playing the games that I really wasn’t into.

Move forward about five years and there we were, a family of five who loved to spend our saturday nights together, but with not much to do. Yes, my children actually like to hang with their parents, but my husband and I weren’t big on going out. That’s when our Saturday Family Game Night came about.

A Tabletop Game For Older People – Mexican Train Dominoes

Going back to our first game night, we were trying to decide which game to play. One of my daughters suggested Dominoes. After she said this, I looked at her like she had five heads.

I all too well remember the countless nights they were running out the door telling me they were going over their friend’s grandmother’s house (Mema) to play Dominoes. I also remember always thinking, really, how much fun can that be?

So now that the game of Dominoes was suggested I just looked at my daughter and said that I didn’t think their father and I were really into building dominoes and knocking them down. It just didn’t sound like the kind of thing we’d be into.

This is when my daughters looked at me like I had five heads and started laughing. Hfss mac os. They asked if this is really what I thought they were playing all this time at “Mema’s” house and when I stated, “well isn’t it?” they laughed some more.

That was the day I learned about my all time favorite game. My daughter ran to her room and came back with a game that said 12-Sided Mexican Train Dominoes. They told me that this is what they had played at Mema’s house and that it was really fun, really easy to learn, and that we would love it.

Well they were right on all accounts. 12-Sided Mexican Train Dominoes was easy to learn and was really fun. It still is really fun to this day. We have been playing it for about a year now. We even have a notebook that we keep score in and keep track who wins each game.

While I’m not the number one winner in our family, I have my fair share of wins. For those of you who have never played the game, or maybe never even heard of the game, it definitely is worth a look into.

How to Play 12-Sided Mexican Train Dominoes


The object of the game is to play all the dominoes from your hand onto one or more chains which emanate from the main hub, which is the station. When one of the players has played all their dominoes that they had on hand, everyone else adds the face values on their remaining dominoes. These figures are kept track of and at the end of the game, the player with the lowest score wins.

The dominoes are labeled with numbers up to twelve. In the first round each player starts their train with the number 12. There are 13 rounds played, starting with 12 and ending with 0. Each player must start their train with the number of which round is being played.

Mexican Train Dominoes Game

There are a few options during the game, that of playing on your own train or that of the mexican train which is a chain that comes off the main station along with each player’s trains. Each player has the option of starting the mexican train. If it is your turn and you cannot play on your own train or that of the mexican train, then your train becomes open to others to play on until you can again play on your train and “close” it.

This in turn gives you the option as well to play on your opponents trains if they are open. There is certainly strategy involved as you want to get rid of your higher numbered dominoes as soon as possible, especially when you see someone getting down to their last few dominoes.

There are also ways to derail a player and this along with strategy and a little bit of luck makes for a really awesome game. Dominoes might sound confusing for some, but, if i was able to grasp it very quickly, then I think most of you will be able to as well.

For those of you who have never tried Dominoes and love to challenge yourselves with a new game to play, I urge you to give it a try. This game definitely gives us middle agers who love to play games a new adventure with games and gaming. Coreldraw 2019 crack gratis.

The Perfect Table Top Game for Older People

Of course, you don’t have to be “older” or “middle aged” to love this game. We play with our children who range in age from 25 to 28 and the five of us have a whole lot of fun.


We bought our Dominoes game at Amazon which came with a case to keep everything intact. Amazon does offer different options for this game, all reasonably priced.

While I still continue to play Dominoes on a regular basis, since quarantine due to this awful Covid-19 virus, I have stumbled on a few other gems that I am now hooked on as well.

Dominoes continues to be my all time favorite, but it’s always nice to try new games once in a while. Being home bound even more than usual, I have found other games that are certainly worth a try too.

Mexican Train Dominoes Game Apps

Check back next time to see what other great games are out there for us fun older people and be sure to check the link on how to host an awesome game night. Stay safe, be well and play lots of games!!!