Ipevo Point 2 View Software

  1. Ipevo Point 2 View Software
  2. Ipevo Point 2 View Software Download
  2. Enhance your document camera experience with IPEVO newly developed IPEVO Visualizer software! IPEVO Visualizer features an intuitive UI that makes it simple to use. Plus, with its compatibility across different operating systems and handy tools such as Rotate, Mirror, Resolution selection, Exposure adjustment, Video Filters.
  3. Jul 12, 2021 IPEVO Linkedin Click. Since the ipevo point 2 view also offers its own software i downloaded and installed the ipevo point 2 view version on my maci used it to snap a picture of the iphone and also of myself, to show you the contrast. Step 2, connect point 2 view s usb cord to any open usb port on your computer.
  4. IPEVO presenter software allows you to customize settings to get the most out of the IPEVO P2V USB camera, such as exposure, image mirroring, and full-screen mode. When used with a PC/Mac and a digital projector, you can project clear images to a large screen for teaching or presentations.

The IPEVO Point 2 View is a great macro USB camera for quick and easy image capture. It captures very good quality images and can save them using the optimal JPEG format. A popular use for this type of camera is for quickly snapping images of incoming repairs, or even during routine inventory receiving. Basically anywhere that you need to quickly capture a good quality image of jewelry, this camera fits the bill well. At around $70, and easily available from Amazon.com, this camera stands out amongst others in the same category.

The IPEVO Point 2 View works great with BusinessMind Software for jewelers. It works equally well on MacOS and Windows, just like BusinessMind. The camera does not require any special drivers. It comes with it's own control software which downloads and installs easily. Just plug in the camera and it is ready to use.

When configured for use with BusinessMind Software for jewelers, you simply click the capture button and the image will appear directly in BusinessMind. The sum of these features make the IPEVO Point 2 View camera one of the simplest and most efficient to operate with BusinessMind jewelry repairs and workshop control software.

This post is to give the people from Telestream and IPEVO some extra information about the problem I have using our excellent IPEVO P2V camera with Telestream’s fantastic Screenflow software. Hopefully you can help me sort this problem out.

IPEVO Point 2 View Document Camera overview and full product specs on CNET.

I use Screenflow and my IPEVO camera as a mobile guerrilla usability testing lab which I can carry around in my backpack. Wonderware archestra license manager guide. I’ve used it for almost 3 years – I’ve used it for my dissertation, for commercial usability testing, and most recently for my current project with the UK Passport Office.

The problem

Making a Screenflow recording with 1) the screen of my computer, 2) the video feed from the IPEVO camera does not work, and 3) the audio recorded from my computer.


The nice people in IPEVO and Telestream have been in touch and suggested some tests – rebooting, changing USB ports, making sure no other software application is using the camera. All of these were unsuccessful, at which point I had a look in the system log.

This is my test procedure:

  1. Plug in the P2V camera
  2. Start Screenflow
  3. The P2V camera feed is shown on the “monitor” screen
  4. Start Screenflow recording
  5. Record for 5-6 seconds
  6. Stop and play back

Observed symptoms

As mentioned below there is an ~ 9 second delay between me clicking the record button and the 2 second countdown beginning. Then following is then written in my /var/log/system.log:

Apr 23 09:19:56 screenflowrecorder[734]: Camera resize: 800,600
Apr 23 09:19:58 screenflowrecorder[734]: Camera resize: 1280,720
Apr 23 09:20:02 screenflowrecorder[734]: Camera resize: 960,720
Apr 23 09:20:05 screenflowrecorder[734]: Camera resize: 720,480
Apr 23 09:20:09 screenflowrecorder[734]: Camera resize: 640,480
Apr 23 09:20:12 screenflowrecorder[734]: Cannot set camera resolution.
Apr 23 09:20:29 ScreenFlow[701]: CoreText performance note: Client called CTFontCreateWithName() using name 'Eurostile' and got font with PostScript name 'EurostileRegular'. For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API.

Ipevo point 2 view software

Repeating the test once more shows the same:

Apr 23 09:22:35 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Apr 23 09:22:35 USB Prober[322]: USB Prober: USBDeviceOpen() failed 0xe00002c5
Apr 23 09:23:05 --- last message repeated 3 times ---
Apr 23 09:23:07 screenflowrecorder[744]: Camera resize: 800,600
Apr 23 09:23:09 screenflowrecorder[744]: Camera resize: 1280,720
Apr 23 09:23:13 screenflowrecorder[744]: Camera resize: 960,720
Apr 23 09:23:16 screenflowrecorder[744]: Camera resize: 720,480
Apr 23 09:23:20 screenflowrecorder[744]: Camera resize: 640,480
Apr 23 09:23:23 screenflowrecorder[744]: Cannot set camera resolution.
Apr 23 09:23:41 ScreenFlow[701]: CoreText performance note: Client called CTFontCreateWithName() using name 'Eurostile' and got font with PostScript name 'EurostileRegular'. For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API.
Apr 23 09:23:43 ScreenFlow[701]: -writeToURL file://localhost/private/var/folders/19/9lf5c2c13nl1qf608zp62jpr0000gn/T/TemporaryItems/(A%20Document%20Being%20Saved%20By%20ScreenFlow)/Unsaved%20ScreenFlow%20Document%203.screenflow
Apr 23 09:23:45 mdworker[746]: Cannot find function pointer MetadataImporterPluginFactory for factory 2CBD2771-5EE8-4623-9C95-7A275A28C255 in CFBundle/CFPlugIn 0x7fb710d13270 (bundle, loaded)
Apr 23 09:23:45 mdworker[746]: (Error) Import: Could not create instance for plugIn 'file:///Applications/ScreenFlow.app/Contents/Library/Spotlight/ScreenFlow.mdimporter/'
Apr 23 09:23:45 mdworker[746]: (Error) Import: BAD IMPORTER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ file:///Applications/ScreenFlow.app/Contents/Library/Spotlight/ScreenFlow.mdimporter/

And once more:

Apr 23 09:24:19 screenflowrecorder[748]: Camera resize: 800,600
Apr 23 09:24:21 screenflowrecorder[748]: Camera resize: 1280,720
Apr 23 09:24:25 screenflowrecorder[748]: Camera resize: 960,720
Apr 23 09:24:28 screenflowrecorder[748]: Camera resize: 720,480
Apr 23 09:24:32 screenflowrecorder[748]: Camera resize: 640,480
Apr 23 09:24:35 screenflowrecorder[748]: Cannot set camera resolution.
Apr 23 09:24:52 ScreenFlow[701]: CoreText performance note: Client called CTFontCreateWithName() using name 'Eurostile' and got font with PostScript name 'EurostileRegular'. For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API.
Apr 23 09:24:54 ScreenFlow[701]: -writeToURL file://localhost/private/var/folders/19/9lf5c2c13nl1qf608zp62jpr0000gn/T/TemporaryItems/(A%20Document%20Being%20Saved%20By%20ScreenFlow)/Unsaved%20ScreenFlow%20Document%204.screenflow
Apr 23 09:24:55 mdworker[754]: Cannot find function pointer MetadataImporterPluginFactory for factory 2CBD2771-5EE8-4623-9C95-7A275A28C255 in CFBundle/CFPlugIn 0x7fb098f21440 (bundle, loaded)
Apr 23 09:24:55 mdworker[754]: (Error) Import: Could not create instance for plugIn 'file:///Applications/ScreenFlow.app/Contents/Library/Spotlight/ScreenFlow.mdimporter/'
Apr 23 09:24:55 mdworker[754]: (Error) Import: BAD IMPORTER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ file:///Applications/ScreenFlow.app/Contents/Library/Spotlight/ScreenFlow.mdimporter/

(Original post continued)

Has anyone else had this problem? If so, did you resolve it? How?

Ipevo Point 2 View Software

I’d appreciate any help from the people in IPEVO or Screenflow. Please get in touch with me!

The symptons

The Screenflow recording is successfully made, with 1) the screen of my computer, and 3) the audio from the computer but not with the video feed from the IPEVO camera.

How to reproduce the problem

  1. Open Screenflow
  2. Select “new recording”
  3. Screenflow source pop-up appears
  4. Confirm “record desktop from your colour LCD screen”
  5. Select “Record video from” checkbox and choose “IPEVO Point 2 View” camera from dropdown
  6. Select “Record Audio from” checkbox and choose “Built-In Input” from dropdown
  7. Click the big RED button to start the recording

I have Screenflow setup with a 2 second countdown: after clicking the red record button, Screenflow is supposed to immediately countdown 2, 1, and then begin the recording.

In the case of using the IPEVO camera, Screenflow waits for approx. 9 seconds, before it begins the 2 second countdown. I believe this is not expected behaviour and maybe be connected.

IpevoIpevo point 2 view document camera software

After this 9 second delay, Screenflow then begins the 2 second countdown as expected.

When the recording has been stopped, Screenflow then presents the recorded video. As can be seen in this test video, the IPEVO camera feed is not present.

Ipevo Point 2 View Software Download

When the captures video using Screenflow is played back, the IPEVO camera feed is missing.

This is the issue.

Need to discover

Telestream states Screenflow does not support “cameras using the HDV codec are not supported”

I need to find out what codec does the IPEVO camera use?

Any help appreciated!

Technical information about the set-up

some information about the machine I am using with Screenflow and the IPEVO camera.

Computer hardware info

MacBook Pro 13-inch, Early 2011
OS: OS X 10.9.2 (13C64)
Memory: 16 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000 512 MB
Processor 2.7 GHz Intel Core i7

IPEVO camera

The computer identifies the IPEVO camera as:
IPEVO Point 2 View:

Product ID: 0x0204
Vendor ID: 0x1778
Version: 10.12
Speed: Up to 480 Mb/sec
Manufacturer: IPEVO corp
Location ID: 0xfd120000 / 4
Current Available (mA): 500
Current Required (mA): 300

Screenflow information

Screenflow version: Version 4.5 (20888)