
  1. Amplitude, reported on the decibel (dB) scale, measures its pressure or forcefulness. The more amplitude a sound has, the louder it is. The logarithmic decibel scale measures differently than a linear scale. For example, every increase of 10 dB on the decibel scale is equal to a 10-fold increase in sound pressure level (SPL).
  2. Despite the overwhelming burden of hearing loss and balance disorders, the search for therapeutics to treat these conditions remains one of the largest areas of unmet needs in medicine. At Decibel, we are exclusively focused on discovering and developing transformative treatments to restore and improve hearing and balance.

Decibel amplifies stories and issues important to Austin by listening to the community and encouraging dynamic discussions. It is the new News & Public Affairs initiative from KLRU-TV, Austin PBS.

Here are some interesting numbers, collected from a variety of sources, that help one to understand the volume levels of various sources and how they can affect our hearing.

Environmental Noise

Weakest sound heard0dB
Whisper Quiet Library at 6'30dB
Normal conversation at 3'60-65dB
Telephone dial tone80dB
City Traffic (inside car)85dB
Train whistle at 500', Truck Traffic90dB
Jackhammer at 50'95dB
Subway train at 200'95dB
Level at which sustained exposure may result in hearing loss90 - 95dB
Hand Drill98dB
Power mower at 3'107dB
Snowmobile, Motorcycle100dB
Power saw at 3'110dB
Sandblasting, Loud Rock Concert115dB
Pain begins125dB
Pneumatic riveter at 4'125dB
Even short term exposure can cause permanent damage - Loudest recommended exposure WITH hearing protection140dB
Jet engine at 100'140dB
12 Gauge Shotgun Blast165dB
Death of hearing tissue180dB
Loudest sound possible194dB
OSHA Daily Permissible Noise Level Exposure
Hours per daySound level
.25 or less115dB
NIOSH Daily Permissible Noise Level Exposure
Hours per daySound level
.25 or less100dBA
Perceptions of Increases in Decibel Level
Imperceptible Change1dB
Barely Perceptible Change3dB
Clearly Noticeable Change5dB
About Twice as Loud10dB
About Four Times as Loud20dB
Sound Levels of Music
Normal piano practice60 -70dB
Fortissimo Singer, 3'70dB
Chamber music, small auditorium75 - 85dB
Piano Fortissimo84 - 103dB
Violin82 - 92dB
Cello85 -111dB
Flute 92 -103dB
Piccolo90 -106dB
Clarinet85 - 114dB
French horn90 - 106dB
Trombone85 - 114dB
Tympani & bass drum106dB
Walkman on 5/1094dB
Symphonic music peak120 - 137dB
Amplifier, rock, 4-6'120dB
Rock music peak150dB


  • One-third of the total power of a 75-piece orchestra comes from the bass drum.
  • High-frequency sounds of 2 - 4,000 Hz are the most damaging. The uppermost octave of the piccolo is 2,048 - 4,096 Hz.
  • Aging causes gradual hearing loss, mostly in the high frequencies.
  • Speech reception is not seriously impaired until there is about 30 dB loss; by that time severe damage may have occurred.
  • Hypertension and various psychological difficulties can be related to noise exposure.
  • The incidence of hearing loss in classical musicians has been estimated at 4 - 43%, in rock musicians 13 - 30%.
  • Recent NIOSH studies of sound levels from weapons fires have shown that they may range from a low of 144 dB SPL for small caliber weapons such as a 0.22 caliber rifle to as high as a 172 dB SPL for a 0.357 caliber revolver. Double ear protection is recommended for shooters, combining soft, insertable earplugs and external ear muffs.

Statistics for the Decibel (Loudness) Comparison Chart were taken from a study by Marshall Chasin, M.Sc., Aud(C), FAAA, Centre for Human Performance & Health, Ontario, Canada. There were some conflicting readings and, in many cases, authors did not specify at what distance the readings were taken or what the musician was actually playing. In general, when there were several readings, the higher one was chosen.


The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

American Tinnitus Association – Information and help for those with tinnitus

Hear Tomorrow – The Hearing Conservation Workshop

H.E.A.R. – Hearing Education and Awareness for Rockers

American Tinnitus Association – for musicians and music lovers

Hearing Loss from Headphones - High potential for hearing loss

Turn It to the Left – from the American Academy of Audiology

Binge Listening: Is exposure to leisure noise causing hearing loss in young Australians? [pdf] – report from Australian Hearing, National Acoustic Laboratories

Hearing Aids and Music: Interview with Marshall Chasin, AuD – from the American Academy of Audiology

Safe Listening Resources – from the National Hearing Conservation Association

OSHA Noise and Hearing Conservation - Occupational Health and Safety Administration

Decibels, dB Tutorial Includes:
Decibels, dB - the basicsDecibels levels tabledBm to dBW & power conversion chartdBm to watts and volts conversion chartdB, decibel online calculatorNepers

The deciBel, dB utilises a logarithmic scale based to compare two quantities. It is a convenient way of comparing two physical quantities like electrical power, intensity, or even current, or voltage.

The deciBel uses the base ten logarithms, i.e. those commonly used within mathematics. By using a logarithmic scale, the deciBel is able to compare quantities that may have vast ratios between them.

The deciBel, dB or deci-Bel is actually a tenth of a Bel - a unit that is seldom used.

The abbreviation for a deciBel is dB - the capital 'B' is used to denote the Bel as the fundamental unit.

DeciBel applications

The deciBel, dB is widely used in many applications. It is used within a wide variety of measurements in the engineering and scientific areas, particularly within electronics, acoustics and also within control theory.

Typically the deciBel, dB is used for defining amplifier gains, component losses (e.g. attenuators, feeders, mixers, etc), as well as a host of other measurements such as noise figure, signal to noise ratio, and many others.

In view of its logarithmic scale the deciBel is able to conveniently represent very large ratios in terms of manageable numbers as well as providing the ability to carry out multiplication of ratios by simple addition and subtraction.

The deciBel is widely used for measuring sound intensity or sound pressure level. For this the sound is referred to a pressure of 0.0002 microbars which equates to the standard for the threshold of hearing.

How the deciBel arrived

Since the beginning of telecommunications there has been the need to measure the levels of relative signal strengths so that loss and gain can be seen.

Original telecommunications systems used the loss that occurred in a mile of standard cable at a frequency of 800Hz.

However this was not a particularly satisfactory method of determining loss levels, or relative signal strengths and as radio and other electronics based applications started to need to use some form of standard unit for comparison, the Bel was introduced in the 1920s. This gained its name from the Scot, Alexander Graham Bell who was originally credited with the invention of the telephone.

With this system, one Bel equalled a tenfold increase in signal level. Once it was introduced the Bel was found to be too large for most suers and so the deciBel was used instead. This is now the standard that has been adopted universally.

DeciBel formula for power comparisons

The most basic form for deciBel calculations is a comparison of power levels. As might be expected it is ten times the logarithm of the output divided by the input. The factor ten is used because deciBels rather than Bels are used.

The deciBel formula or equation for power is given below:

Ndb is the ratio of the two power expressed in deciBels, dB
P2 is the output power level
P1 is the input power level

If the value of P2 is greater than P1, then the result is given as a gain, and expressed as a positive value, e.g. +10dB. Where there is a loss, the deciBel equation will return a negative value, e.g. -15dB. In this way a positive number of deciBels implies a gain, and where there is a negative sign it implies a loss.

Use our deciBel power calculator

DeciBel formulas for voltage & current

Although the deciBel is used primarily as comparison of power levels, deciBel current equations or deciBel voltage equations may also be used provided that the impedance levels are the same. In this way the voltage or current ratio can be related to the power level ratio.

When using voltage measurements it is easy to make the transformation of the deciBel formula because power = voltage squared upon the resistance:

And this can be expressed more simply as


Decibel Definition


Ndb is the ratio of the two power expressed in deciBels, dB
V2 is the output voltage level
V1 is the input voltage level

It is possible to undertake a similar transformation for the formula to use current. Power = current squared upon the resistance, and therefore the deciBel current equation becomes:

And this can be expressed more simply as


Ndb is the ratio of the two power expressed in deciBels, dB
I2 is the output current level
I1 is the input current level

Voltage & current deciBel formulas for different impedances

As a deciBel, dB is a comparison of two power or intensity levels, when current and voltage are used, the impedances for the measurements must be the same, otherwise this needs to be incorporated into the equations.

Decibel Definition

Ndb is the ratio of the two power expressed in deciBels, dB
V2 is the output voltage level
V1 is the input voltage level
Z2 is the output impedance
Z1 is the input impedance

In this way it is possible to calculate the power ratios in terms of deciBels between signals on points that have different impedance levels using either voltage or current measurements. This could be very useful when measuring power levels on an amplifier that may have widely different impedance levels at the input and output. If the voltage or current readings are taken then this formula can be used to provide the right power comparison in terms of deciBels.

DeciBel abbreviations

The deciBel is used in many areas from audio to radio frequency scenarios. In all of these it provides a very useful means of comparing two signals.

Decibel Apartments Seattle

Accordingly there are many variations onto e deciBel abbreviation and it may not always be obvious what they mean. A table of deciBel abbreviations is given below:

DeciBel abbreviation Meaning / usage
dBA 'A' weighted sound pressure or sound intensity measurement.
dBc Level of a signal with reference to the carrier being measured - normally used for giving the levels of spurious emissions and noise
dBd Gain of an antenna with reference to a half wave dipole in free space
dBFS Level with reference to full scale reading
dBi Gain of an antenna with reference to an isotropic source, i.e. one that radiations equally in all directions.
dBm Power level with reference to 1 mW
dBV Level with reference to 1 volt
dBµV Level with reference to 1 microvolt
dBW Power level with reference to 1 watt

The deciBel is widely used in many areas of electronics and sound measurement. It provides a very useful means of comparing different levels that may vary over a huge range. Being logarithmically based, the deciBel is able to accommodate variations of many orders of magnitude without getting lost in a huge number of zeros. In this way it is an ideal way of comparing different values.

Decibel Reader

Decibel Chart

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VoltageCurrentPowerResistanceCapacitanceInductanceTransformersDecibel, dBKirchoff's LawsQ, quality factorRF noise
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