Batman Arkham City Goty

By FeanorusFeanorus. Last updated

This series however, absolutely must be played in order, so don't try skipping to 'Arkham City' or the upcoming 'Arkham World'. Just Pick it up (GOTY Editions are a must-buy by-the-way, as they have extra content, especially with Arkham City I have heard) and give it a try, and watch the hidden DC obsessive come out in what is truly the Super. Batman: Arkham City Game of the Year Edition packages new gameplay content, seven maps, three playable characters, and 12 skins beyond the original retail release: Maps: Wayne Manor, Main Hall, Freight Train, Black Mask, The Joker's Carnival, Iceberg Long, and Batcave. Playable Characters: Catwoman, Robin and Nightwing. The core of Batman: Arkham Knight remains mostly unchanged. You traverse Gotham City with Batman’s trusty grappling-hook and glider-like cape combo. Using the hook you rapidly winch yourself skyward, allowing you to glide over the buildings below. As you soar over the city you discover the side-quests and challenges that fill the world. All told, Batman: Arkham City Game of the Year Edition packages new gameplay content, seven maps, three playable characters, and 12 skins beyond the original retail release: Maps: Wayne Manor, Main Hall, Freight Train, Black Mask, The Joker's Carnival, Iceberg Long, and Batcave. Playable Characters: Catwoman, Robin and Nightwing.

Four Catwoman segments were originally a Day 1 DLC and optional to install, but when the game was rereleased in Steam as the Game of the year edition, they became an integral part of the game. However, since many runners dislike these segments, we found a way to remove it by editing an .ini file, without affecting the rest of the game. That's why you will find separate categories on the leaderboard.

ArkhamMacBatman Arkham City Goty

If you want to play without the Catwoman segments, find the Steam folder on the disk where you installed the game, go to X:SteamSteamAppscommonBatman Arkham City GOTYBmGameConfigPC and open PCGame.ini

Batman Arkham City Goty Save Game Location

Find the line +DLCBundlesInstalled='Catwoman' and comment it out without removing it (so you can easily restore it when necessary):

The line repeats second time later in the file – do the same thing to it and save the changes.


Batman Arkham City Goty Serial Number

Obviously, if you want to restore DLC later, open the file again and remove slashes.

Batman Arkham City Goty

Note to those who want to try a run with Catwoman: as decided by ancient gods, all four segments count as parts of the main story gameplay, even though the last one begins after the credits, so:
- Start timer when you gain control of Catwoman in the intro;
- End timer after you defeat Twoface (instead of Clayface as Batman), because only after that you gain ability to change characters in freeroam. Collecting money from Twoface's thugs is technically a sidequest so it's not necessary.